The Augustus Group, LLC (AUGUSTUS) has been in business for over 14 years assisting our clients ensure the Mechanical Integrity (MI) of equipment.  Our engineering specialists in risk management, bolting and flange integrity, welding, non-destructive inspection, and materials technology have hundreds of years collective experience.

We focus on the solution and not the problem using tools such as metallurgical and corrosion analysis, risk based inspection, and fitness for service analysis to help keep the process safe and improve reliable operation of equipment.  We provide policies, procedures, management systems and audits to align with our client’s business case.

We provide in the first instance – a focused management resource and in the second – a field implementation team managed and supported by engineers and highly qualified inspection maintenance and engineering technologists.


Our specialists have the essential skills and professional training in the disciplines required to assess the root cause of a failure and its impact on the environment.  A partial listing of some of the personnel on our team follows, (full resumes can be provided upon request).

AUGUSTUS’ “Senior Consultants” worked with the Chemical Manufacturer’s Association to develop CMA’s response to the Mechanical Integrity rule in 1992.  CMA developed, what amounted to the only industry consensus interpretation of what OSHA intended when it published the Mechanical Integrity Rule documented in 10CFR 1910.119, subparagraph (j).  That document, used to train over 300 of CMA’s member companies, can be used today as a cornerstone of a Compliance Program.  A few years later our personnel implemented the first full refinery Risk Based Inspection Program at BHP Hawaii.

Our Quality Assurance program and consistent use of procedures and management systems ensures a work product that will meet or exceed contract expectations.

TECHNOLOGY MATRIX – Our Highly Experienced Engineers are Key to Success

  • Acoustics, Robotics, Statistics and Remote Monitoring – Paul Rose
  • Auditing – Dick Jones, Peter Hunt, Scott Miller, Mike Fox, Ed Merrick
  • Bolting and Flange Integrity Management – Ed Merrick,  Gopal Murti, Jesse Meisterling
  • Corrosion – Dick Jones, Marvin Mehler
  • Inspection Management – David Sanders, Frank Simpton
  • Mechanical Engineering – Gopal Murti, Raj Barua, Ed Merrick
  • Asset/Mechanical Integrity – Peter Hunt, Ed Merrick
  • Metallurgy and Materials Engineering – Ed Merrick, Dick Jones, Mark Koss, Les Loushin, Marvin Mehler, Gopal Murti
  • Maintenance – Mike Fox, Peter Hunt
  • Management – Peter Hunt, Dick Jones, Mike Fox
  • NDE – Scott Miller, Paul Rose
  • Pipelines and Plant Piping – Jim Towers, Gopal Murti. Raj Barua
  • Quality Assurance/Quality Control – Peter Hunt, Ed Merrick,
  • Process Engineering – Jyoti Das, Justin O’Neal
  • RBI & Risk Management – Ed Merrick, Les Loushin, Marvin Mehler, David Sanders
  • Stress and Fracture Mechanics Analysis – Marvin Mehler, Bob Blackstone, Les Loushin, Gopal Murti
  • Training – Ed Merrick, Peter Hunt, Dick Jones, Les Loushin, Scott Merrick
  • Welding – Ed Merrick, Gene Rak, Gopal Murti, Raj Barua